How do I know if a travel agency is legit in the Philippines?


Planning a trip and exploring new destinations can be an exciting adventure, also read this What are the benefits of travelling and experiencing new culture?, but sometimes the logistics of organizing everything can be overwhelming. This is where a reliable and efficient travel agency comes in handy, particularly when traveling to a diverse and beautiful country like the Philippines. In a country with over 7,000 islands and a multitude of attractions to choose from, having the expertise of a legit travel agency can truly enhance your travel experience.

When it comes to exploring the Philippines, having a trustworthy travel agency by your side can make a world of difference. From arranging flights and accommodations to crafting personalized itineraries and providing on-ground support, a reputable travel agency can streamline the travel process and ensure a seamless and enjoyable trip for travelers of all kinds.

Why Choose a Legit Travel Agency in the Philippines

1. Expert Local Knowledge: 

A legit travel agency in the Philippines offers in-depth knowledge of the local destinations, culture, and attractions. These agencies have insider tips and off-the-beaten-path recommendations that can elevate your travel experience and help you discover hidden gems that you may not find on your own.

2. Tailored Itineraries:

One of the key benefits of working with a legit travel agency is the ability to create personalized itineraries based on your preferences, interests, and budget. Whether you're a beach lover, an adventure enthusiast, a history buff, or a foodie, a reputable travel agency can curate a trip that suits your specific needs and ensures a memorable and fulfilling experience.

3. Reliable Support:

From booking accommodations, read about What is the biggest hotel and What is the best city to stay in Philippines? and arranging transportation to providing assistance in case of emergencies, a legit travel agency offers reliable support throughout your journey. This can be particularly reassuring when traveling to a foreign country like the Philippines, where having a local partner to rely on can make a significant difference.

4. Cost Savings:

Contrary to popular belief, working with a travel agency can actually help you save money on your trip. Legit agencies often have access to exclusive deals, discounts, and packages that may not be available to individual travelers. Additionally, their expertise in budget planning can help you make the most of your travel budget without compromising on quality.

5. Peace of Mind:

Perhaps the most valuable benefit of choosing a legit travel agency is the peace of mind it offers. By entrusting the planning and coordination of your trip to professionals, you can relax and focus on enjoying your vacation without the stress of logistical challenges or unexpected setbacks.

Top Legit Travel Agencies in the Philippines

1. Asiatravel Philippines:

Known for its wide range of travel services and competitive packages, Asiatravel Philippines is a reputable agency that caters to both local and international travelers. With a strong network of partners and a commitment to quality service, Asiatravel Philippines is a go-to option for those seeking a hassle-free travel experience.

2. TravelOnline Philippines:

Specializing in online travel bookings, TravelOnline Philippines offers a convenient platform for travelers to book flights, accommodations, tours, and more. With a user-friendly interface and a responsive customer service team, TravelOnline Philippines is a reliable choice for travelers looking to arrange their trips with ease.

3. Rakso Travel:

With over 20 years of experience in the travel industry, Rakso Travel is a trusted name in the Philippines known for its personalized service and attention to detail. Whether you're planning a family vacation, a romantic getaway, or a group tour, Rakso Travel can tailor a package that suits your needs and ensures a memorable travel experience.

4. Discover Asia International Travel & Tours:

As an established travel agency with a focus on promoting sustainable and responsible tourism, Discover Asia International Travel & Tours offers unique and eco-conscious travel experiences in the Philippines. From cultural immersions to eco-adventures, Discover Asia International Travel & Tours is dedicated to providing enriching and impactful travel experiences for its clients.

5. Hopping Buddies Travel & Tours:

For travelers seeking off-the-beaten-path adventures and authentic cultural experiences, Hopping Buddies Travel & Tours is a top choice. With a team of passionate travel enthusiasts and a commitment to sustainable tourism practices, Hopping Buddies Travel & Tours offers customized trips that showcase the beauty and diversity of the Philippines in a responsible and ethical manner.


In a country as diverse and captivating as the Philippines, having the support and expertise of a legit travel agency can truly enhance your travel experience and ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey. From personalized itineraries and expert local knowledge to reliable support and cost savings, a reputable travel agency offers a range of benefits that can make all the difference in your trip.

Whether you're dreaming of pristine beaches, lush rainforests, vibrant cities, or cultural heritage sites, a legit travel agency in the Philippines can help you unlock the wonders of this beautiful country and create lasting memories that will stay with you long after your journey ends. So, next time you plan a trip to the Philippines, consider partnering with a trusted travel agency to turn your travel dreams into reality.

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